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Professional Excellence 101
How to Create a Personal Brand
Importance of Personal Branding (6:55)
Branding vs. Labeling (6:27)
the Elevator Pitch - the 3Ps (9:19)
Building a Personal Brand (6:15)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:45)
Learning Assessment
How to Achieve Goals
Why Goals Matter (3:27)
Achieving Goals – the Mindset (8:52)
Achieving Goals – the Strategy (8:46)
Achieving Goals – the Action (5:50)
Celebrate it (2:59)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:54)
Learning Assessment
the Why and How of Multitasking
What is Multitasking (5:18)
Multitasking - Strength or Hurdle (5:56)
Advantages & Disadvantages of Multitasking (9:50)
How to Multitask Effectively (11:51)
Conclusion (2:20)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:23)
Learning Assessment
How to say NO
Saying NO and Assertive Communication (6:14)
Why do we not say NO (5:55)
How to say NO (8:34)
Value in saying NO (3:00)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:55)
Learning Assessment
How to Overcome Procrastination
What is Procrastination? (5:26)
Procrastination Styles / Patterns (7:28)
Technique - Creative Procrastination (9:23)
Procrastination Bubble to Action Bubble (6:21)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:39)
Learning Assessment
How to Maintain Positive Attitude
the Power of Positive Attitude (4:04)
Mindsets of Positivity (8:06)
Creating Positive Affirmations (13:21)
Results of Positive Attitude (4:15)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:22)
Learning Assessment
How to Act Proactive
Act Proactive, not Reactive (5:30)
Proactive Communication (9:56)
Proactive Innovation (9:05)
Proactive Individuals (2:04)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:51)
Learning Assessment
How to Appreciate
the Power of Appreciation (4:02)
Giving Appreciation – 3S (6:37)
Receiving Appreciation – 3S (5:57)
Self Appreciation (7:19)
Culture of Appreciation (2:09)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:45)
Learning Assessment
How to Respond, not React
Reaction vs. Response (5:01)
Respond, don't React (7:02)
Breaking the Stimulus - Reaction Cycle (9:05)
How to Respond - 5Ps (2:30)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:45)
Learning Assessment
How to Express Anger at Workplace
Anger at the Workplace (4:48)
Alternatives to Showing Anger (9:27)
Articulating the Anger Statement (9:21)
What can Organizations Do? (2:36)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:51)
Learning Assessment
How to Overcome Stage Fear
the Fear of Public Speaking (4:38)
Stage Fear - Why it happens? (6:29)
Overcoming Stage Fear - S.T.A.G.E. (12:40)
Overcoming Stage Fear - F.E.A.R. (6:59)
Conclusion (1:58)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:39)
Learning Assessment
How to maintain Eye Contact in Presentations
Presentation Skills and Eye Contact (5:26)
Importance of Eye Contact – 8Cs (4:34)
How to maintain Eye Contact – A to M (6:31)
How to maintain Eye Contact – N to Z (12:39)
Conclusion (2:39)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:54)
Learning Assessment
How to Start and End a Presentation
Introductions and Conclusions (3:36)
Powerful Introductions (10:24)
Memorable Conclusions (5:29)
Start and End with a Bang (4:21)
Post-Learning Activities (5:11)
Highlights (2:51)
Learning Assessment
Teach online with
What is Multitasking
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